Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person that tagged you. If I tagged you, it's because I want to know more about you.
To do this, go to "notes" on your profile page, paste these instructions in the body of the note, type your 25 random things, tag 25 people then click publish
1.em.......2 b truth.....i'm da MOST LAZY GIRL in da world........hehehe........jujur ye?hehehe
2.4 sure dat i rily1000000000 love sleep.......hehehe.......jom tido.......
3.ble da keje nye tdo je........my best frens dats always being wif me is my bantal bucuk macam.....hehehe.......wat mse nie ad 3 bntal yg pling aku syg....1st petak.2nd bulat....hehehe....due2 nie da jd kwn aku since aku f1...mse 1st time dok ostel...n yg ke-3 is LOVE,.......ello3????ckp love je msti pk bf kasi ye???no3.......its a gift from my uncle mse my bday yg ke-18.ngeeeeeee..................
4.em........aku xske stdy......zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz......................
5.+++++++ i rily3 cnt make it when it comes 2 NUMBER!!!!!!gosh!!!!!!!ngantuk nye........beter staying wif history than
6.pe lg ye????ya............i'm da 1 who rily3 love my frens....once b my frens...4eva my frens....n xske ble kwn kne buli..... o banned!!!!!!!if u want 2.......banned me 2.......dont hurt my sygssssssssss.........hehehe.....
7.siapa saya?????saya adalah KAKLONG!!!!!hahahaha,........tkot x???i'm da eldest from 5.......em.nk tau x???ad org kte.......kn........kn3...........yg ank sulong nie suai dgn ank bongsu......em....ehem2........ehem......ehem3..........hehehe..............
8.em.........ble da sbot ehem2......kte bkak r topik jiwang nie ye???hehe....till now.....still looking 4 my MR.RITE......hehehe........sum1 dat will b my imam.....hehe.....n sedia tok JUJUR N SETIA......hehehhe...ad calon x??hehehehe......
9.rily3 love MUSIC blh kte evrytime wif music.......tp xske music yg rancak2 nie...ske yg agak2 je.....hehehe.blh lyan r,.....
10.s seorg ORG NOGHORI SOJATI,,,,,.........den amat goma podeh2 nie.....laie podeh laie kaw......hehehe......nk suh den masak????pk bnyk kali dlu.......tkot kok ado yg t'cirit plak kang.........bkn slh ibu ngandong yo???hehehe
11.those yg 1st time jmpe aku.......msti pk...."SOMBONG NYE BDK NIE......CM BDK BANDA XNK CMPO BDK KG..." o "EH.SNYAP NYE DIE NIE......MMG XBNYK CKP YE????"hehehehe........anda telah salah mmbuat p'hitungan.......i'm da 1 who rrily3 love 2 talk.......but only wif my frens day m used 2 b wif them........hehehe........saya sgt PAKAR DLM MEREPEK....hehehe........ask my frens.....hehehe
12.ok...........aku da blur............n 2 r da next answ.........aku blur!!!!!!!hehehe
13.rily3 love horror stories........movies n novels......i've collections on horror stories dat most people said s "MEMBAZIR!!!!!!!"hehehe......tp dlm mse yg sme tkot gak.hehehe.......
14.ok......dis point rse2 nye sume kwn2 yg rpt dgn aku tau........rily2 xreti tok mlintas jln......klo nk mlintas aku akn pegang tgn member sblh......so..watch out spe yg being beside me mse 2.......hehhee.....
15.korg mmg NK DERA AKU YE dgn suh tulis 25 psl bnde alah nie???aku daalmost ilang idea da nie......ok....dats my 15....
16.org slalo ckp aku nie serius je....matured..........hehehe...(yeke?????) hehehehe......actualy...aku ad 1 angan2......aku nk brade kt WONDERLAND.......ehehhe..da3........benti r gelak korg 2.....aku tau korg xsngke bnde nie kn???hehehe......dpan adik2 aku,aku nmpk cm xb'minat dgn cite alice in wonderland......."ish.....tah pe2 cte r yg korg tgk nie?????"hehehehe....padahal???????pas2 aku cri n download.....n tgk sensorg...hehehhe.............
17.em...........aku nie ego org nye.......hehehe...tp cpt cair dgn pujukan........."nur.......pliz nur.......pliz........demi aku...kite kn kwn??????"hehehhe......n i'm melting.....hehehe
18.aku sgt senang tok suke kt org..........tp sgt susah tok SAYANG org........untung r jd 1 of yg aku syg ye whai kau?????hehehe........org t'tentu je pham.hehehe.......
19.ok.......aku nie org yg kurang ykin dgn diri.....slaloo rse yg diri nie....sgt kurang........contoh ayat "spe je r aku nie kn???banding die 2??"hehehe...klo dgn kwn2 4 sure aku kne sekeh pas2..hehehe.......
20.aku nie sbnr nye nmpk je kuat di luar......tp sbnr nye.....aku sgt senang leleh.....cmenye.......aku akn tahan air mate dpan family aku.........klo blh aku xnk jatuh kn air mate dpan my family......n i make it........hehehe......pas2 msok blik????my bntl bucuk macam je yg tau......hehehehe........
21.aku adalah seorg yg sgt TIDAK SMPAI ATI............hehehehehe...........da bpe rmai marah aku sbb pangai aku yg 1 nie.......sori.....aku lom blh nk keras kn ati aku g......aku akn cpt ksian n xsmpai ati......hehehe....
22.n sbb aku sgt xsmpai ati......aku slaloo kne buli........slaloo di p'adik2 kn.hehehehe..........tp klo aku mara pon....kjb je....pas2 aku pon da lpe knape aku mara die.hehehehe......tp dgn syarat.......jgn ungkit blik hal 2......o aku akn tros stone dgn org 2........hehehe........
23.MANJE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!rmai yg ckp aku nie mnje........tp apakah btol????????aku da cbe cari tang mne yg mnje nye 2?tp xjmpe pon.......so.sum1 plz tell me kt mne mnje nye aku??????hehehehe
24.nk tau 1 secret x??????hehehhe............aku nie kn.......sbnr nye kn...........sbnr nye kn.............PEMALU(wink2...)......hehehehe........klo xcye..........cbe tgk......ble aku ckp dgn org......adakah aku akn pndg mte die????hehehe..jwpn nye adalh TIDAK!!!!!!!cme dgn org yg aku da biase@p'cye je aku akn pndg mate......tp bkn slaloo r.....hehehe........
25.ok.........nie aku gtau psl aku n rmai g pempuan lain yg pangai nye sme je dgn aku........hehehhe........SANGAT SKE KN PUJIAN...........tp xpnah tau cmne nk trime pujian 2.........hehehe......(blushing....... *_*)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>DATS IT!!!!!!!!!!DONE WIF THAT...........SO PLIZ LEAVE UR KOMEN.....HEHEHE.....
luv u all........syg korg............miss korg............rndu korg......need korg........perlu korg.......pk kn korg....thinking of u......
1 comment:
srabot x bce?
pdn mke korg.......
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